Unveiled Aeons
1st Chapter - 2nd Chapter - 3rd Chapter - 4th chapter - 5th chapter - 6th chapter - 7th chapter2012 - 2019 The 7th Chapter - Mardom
The descent into necrocosmic visions birthed an atemporal transition. This inception heralded the harbinger of death the boundless beast.
Thus, from the Kingdom the Moon and Sun eclipsed. Aeons passed as unforseen events pronlonged the process to a very much eagerly anticipated successor release. Yet, iron chains of immeasurable weight were cast upon their bones. Their jaws covered with rough stones. Half a decade later ten new tracks were molded further intensifying the hideousness of yonder spheres.
Whilst this portal is ajar- that portal is impervious. Abiding this tenet the Cults path departed musically from long-time bass player Adversarius.
Dwelling above the Heavens and below the Earth:
Onielar - Vox,Git Velnias - Git Horrn - Drums Adversarius - Bass